​​​​​Attorney Registration​

Registration of Service Address with the Clerk's Office must be kept up to date by using the forms below. Documents filed daily with our office are not reviewed for attorney address accuracy. Note: Filling out the Registration of Service Address form is not the same as registering to get Attorney Access to our Kane County portal, where you can view images online. For instructions to request Attorney Access on our portal, click HERE.​

For eFiling, please make sure that you have registered with our office so that you are in our case management system. This will ensure that your filings are not delayed. Attorney information is necessary to allow the filings to integrate into our system.

Your individual Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) number is what you will use to identify your appearance on a case. Firm numbers are not used by the Circuit Clerk's Office or our case management system.

Any attorney or firm that may receive bond money is required to file a W9 form. The bond refund may reference a firm name, but will not show as a firm on the party screen of the case management system.

If your firm moves, you must fill out the Attorney Address Change form so that our system is updated.

Completed forms may be email to CircuitClerk@KaneCountyIL.gov for your convenience. They may also be mailed or dropped off at our office.

(Some functions included in these forms require Adobe Reader 8.0 or higher)

Note to ITD – The title and names of forms will remain the same as is currently on the page.

Attorney(s) Data FormCS-002-E
Attorney(s) Change of Address FormCS-003-E
Petition Requesting Refund of bail to Attorney of RecordP1-TR-019-E
In the Matter of the Estate of Alleged Disabled PersonP1-PR-029-E
Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Including Instructionsfw9