Click below to go to the EFILEIL (Statewide E-filing) site where you can choose your vendor, register and efile in one location.
Kane County Specific Practices for eFile:
- All Attorneys need to have registered their ARDC number with our office prior to eFiling.
- Each document with a header needs to be its own PDF.
- Proposed Orders – you won't get a filed stamped copy of order back unless you eFile and Serve and input email addresses for all that you want to receive a copy.
- Divorce – Prove-Up envelopes – all documents necessary for the Prove-Up should be in the same envelope with each document efiled using the code Proposed Order (so all go to the judge…affidavits, Judgment, MSA, Parenting Plan using that Proposed Order code for each document included)
- Attaching Supporting documents – all supporting documents are to be efiled behind the LEAD document in one (1) PDF, unless it is too large. Otherwise, they will need a coversheet stating Supporting Documents to whatever the LEAD document is and be its own PDF.
- Check LOCAL RULES for eFiling specifications, https://www.illinois16thjudicialcircuit.org/Pages/localCourtRules.aspx
- Envelope Processing – all envelopes should be processed within 3 business days.
- Self-Represented litigants (pro se) have several resources available at the EFILEIL site above.
- Any questions regarding eFile, email us at CicOfficeOperations@KaneCountyIL.gov.
- Odyssey eFileIL is a certified ADA eFile Provider.